If you have any Z-wave lighting in your house, it can also control that too. They are all still working fine and they all love them. I've got two of the Monster remotes myself, and I've also given one to my parents, my best friend and my best friend's parents. You can add an RF IR repeater to some of Logitech's remotes, but by then you'll have spent nearly $300. I can be on the couch under a blanket with the remote and still operate it without having to point it at anything.

With the RF IR repeater I can be across the house in a different room and send commands and never have to worry about a signal not being correctly sent to my equipment. Without one, you have to aim your remote at your devices in order for it to work, and if you "miss" and things get out of sequence, the remote doesn't know about it until you sync it back up. Personally I would not have a universal remote without an RF IR repeater. It's not the prettiest universal remote, but it is very well made (not nearly as "plasticky" as the Logitechs) and the inclusion of the RF IR repeaters make it an excellent value. No longer in production, but you can still find the Monster AV元00-S on eBay for under $100, and it comes with an RF IR repeater module.