Super mario 64 chaos edition project64
Super mario 64 chaos edition project64

super mario 64 chaos edition project64 super mario 64 chaos edition project64

If you did this correctly you will be on the checkered platform with the small firebreathing plant. When you get half way up the first part of the metal ramp (the part where you can stand still and not fall before the first flame thrower), turn around and do a long jump. If you timed right, Mario should flip onto a platform above him. When you reach the peak of the revolution, jump. On the first "vertical merry-go-round" (the one with the visible life in the middle), duck. On the third Bowser, I find a small part of the level very annoying, so I found a way to skip it. To make Mario do a belly flop, do a sideflip but press A and B simultaneously. From there, jump onto the round spinning block and you'll basically be at the point where the first carpet drops away. Now, jump so you land on the stone block next to the pole. At the very beginning, turn away from the first carpet.

Super mario 64 chaos edition project64