If you’re looking to serve static assets off a local workspace, it works in a pinch. Like most things in OS X, you can drag and drop files directly to your iOS simulator (images, webpages, PDF, anything that Safari supports). Also, due to El Capitan’s user restrictions, by default this will no longer work Right clicking Xcode and using “Show packages” following the path outlined above will allow you to see the actual application.

Protip: you can create aliases to the iOS simulator.app. Open -a /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/atform/Developer/Applications/iPhone\ Simulator.app By default the zoom behavior will be on the center of the screen. Hold the option key to bring up the finger pads. It pays to do actual hardware tests for UI interactions as its where you’re most likely to see differences. If I’ve had my Mac Pro or MacBook Retina open for days on end, sometimes a full reboot is the only way to fix the connection.Īlso, the Simulator is 99% accurate but I have had on rare occasion render issues on hardware that did not occur in the simulator.

If you still can’t connect, try quitting Safari and relaunching followed the iOS simulator. Protip: you’ll need to likely have the latest version of Safari to pair with Xcode, be sure you have all the latest OS X updates installed. Go back to Safari and click on the development and select your iOS simulator you’d like to inspect. Launch your iOS Simulator, and fire up safari and go to the web page you’d like to perform inspect element/ use the javascript console on. Make sure show Development menu is checked. Launch Safari on your computer and go to settings and to “Advanced” However if you hit command-v (paste) then command-shift-V you can directly paste text into text fields. You can copy and paste text into the iOS Simulator which requires tediously hitting paste on the open simulator window, then tapping and holding and pasting using the simulator itself. You can quit Xcode and the iOS simulator will stay launched

Protip: Once launched, you can permanently position the iOS simulator in your dock and skip Xcode altogether. Once launched either right click the icon in dock or locate it from the Open Developer Tool located under Xcode. Launch Xcode (you may need to agree to Apple’s terms and conditions and wait as it installs component if its your first launch). I added instructions on how to download different iOS versions. I’ve since updated the instructions to reflect this. Xcode 7 has been out for awhile now, and these instructions are still valid but a new user may not realize that. Xcode is a free download from the Mac App store. You’ll need to download and install Xcode for OS X to access the iOS simulator. I’m revisiting one of my more popular posts, Using Xcode iPhone Simulator to Develop Mobile websites, which is nice but a little out of date.